2014 - Best Year Ever

With gratitude to God Almighty for His protection, provision, mercies, and grace, we wish to welcome everyone to 2014 - a year filled with expectations, promises, surprises, positive changes, harvests for hard work, and new things.

2013 was quite an interesting year. It was the year FXTradeCity was founded, and we are glad we lived to our expectations and goals. Thanks to God Almighty and to you all who made it a success.

2013 was a year of shocking, and breaking news especially with the big shots in Forex. 
  1. FXDD got fined by CFTC for unilaterally removing clients profits. 
  2. Binary Options also got serious injunctions from CFTC.
  3. InvestTechFX Technologies Incorporated got arrested by Royal Canadian Mounted Police for allegedly defrauding clients millions of dollars
  4. MF Global Inc got one of the record breaking fine of $1 Billion dollars as restitution to their clients, and an imposed fine of $100 Million dollar penalty through a court verdict for their failure in 2011.
  5. Fund Manager - Green Tree found themselves a 97 Months Jail Term and $17 Million to be paid back to clients
  6. One of the big giants in online payment system - Liberty Reserve was shut down, and the founder arrested.
These and so many other shocking news rocked the FX Market in 2013. 

2013 also ushered amazing business buy overs, and mergers we never imagined would happen. Blackberry (RIM) sold out its cherished BBM App to the open market mainly to Android Phone Makers due to alleged bleak prospects for its handsets. 

Nokia Investors approved sales of its handset units to Microsoft unshackling the Finnish company from the unprofitable division, and letting it focus on networks.

Facebook almost acquired one of their biggest acquisition if they had bought SnapChat but the deal didn't pass through.

These and so many other shocking mergers, and buy-out occurred in 2013.

The above shows the deep appetite, and business competition in 2013, which would definitely cause more ripple effects in 2014.

I bet a lot of traders must have resolutions for 2014. However we have a some advice, and tips for this year.
  1. Commit your heart desires for this year into God's Hands, and He'll see you through.
  2. Do not procrastinate this year. Highlight your targets, and get them done timely.
  3. Take the necessary risks, and put away fear because it denied you opportunities in 2013.
  4. Dedicate some of your budget to training software & utilities this year.
  5. Expand your frontiers.
  6. Dont be on the sidelines this year - act.
  7. Grow from your current level to a higher level (Baby trader to Advanced Trader).
  8. Kill all the killing habits, and attitudes this year (greed, laziness, psychological imbalance, e.t.c.).
  9. Resolve to let go off bitterness, and forgive yourself for last year's failures. You are not a failure - Move on.
  10. Do not chase after the wind. It was not worth it last year, be realistic.
  11. Don't forget to signup for our newsletters, and like us on Facebook

Wish You The Best In Your Forex Investments
Yours Sincerely

Obike C. Onyebuchim